
Bella Heaven!!

Could we BE having any more fun??? I think NOT!!! What a super fantabulous day!!

We started fairly early (after a night of SOMEONE snoring.....wasn't me, that's all I'm sayin')...here's me waiting for Andrea....

Andrea was a super navigator and kept me calm while driving through Toronto to our favourite place.......Stampingbella.....it's our 'happy place'!! We arrived in the morning to warm hugs from Emily and she had tables all set up for us to play on. Of COURSE we went shopping first!! Nicky came in a little bit later and we got MORE big warm hugs!! We stamped and coloured and took LOTS of pictures!!!

Here's me and Em (she's stressin' over a big show she's leaving for in Boston and I think at this moment she caught sight of some rather non-crafty business cards she ordered....*yipes*). Of course, her 'stubby' (stampin' hubby) Ryan is hard at work on the phone over there too. Let's just say that he and I got to know each other well, during several trips to the cash register throughout the day!!! *wink*

Here's me and the colouring goddess, Nicky!! I spent all day learning at the hand of the master!! I sat beside her all day and just watched her colour with her Lyra pencils. And I shared some of my Copic techniques with her....not that I'm any better, she just wanted to see how I do things, like faces and hair. heehee! Nicky is such a wonderful, generous person and such a good teacher! She came in to work even though she was feeling pretty rough from a sickie weekend, JUST to hang out with us!!I love you , Nicky!!! I miss you already! Mwah!!

Some of our friends from home came too! If you are from London and have ever attended any classes at Stamp Art, you may having learned from another colouring genius, Janine!!! She just looooooooves getting her picture taken, don't you Janine??!! *giggle*

Then our brave girl Amy, (who showed up after all the picture taking) drove all the way to downtown Toronto to go to Curry's!! She'd NEVER been to Toronto before and she braved the traffic of downtown TO!! What a girl!!!

The peeps at Bella ordered in pizza and pop for us, to keep us energized for many hours of stampin', colourin' and gigglin'!!! Heehee! SUCH a fun day.....really....couldn't have asked for more!!

We drove back to the hotel and Crissy and Janette arrived! Crissy had met up with Janette in St. Catherines and we got back to the hotel and there they were!!! Hugs all around....again! Then we went out to Casey's for dinnah!! (I'll have pics of them tomorrow!)

We came back to the room FULL of food ....... and ready to stamp! We spent a couple of hours trading images and stamping out hearts out!! After a long day, we turned in. What a night!!! Well....I'll save that story for tomorrow! Along with many more pictures!!

To be continued......


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had so much fun! Will be anxious to see some of your creations!

Katie Cotton said...

I'm so jealous! Looks like you are having a blast!

Janine said...

HI Kim!! Great pictures!! Glad to have been there with you and all your buddies.. Now I have to go and practice.

Diane said...

You lucky girlzzzz!!!! Have lots of fun and can't wait to see all your goodies and creations!

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