A Sweet Little Treat!!!

YAY!!!!! You have visited me over 5000 times!!! Well, not YOU personally, but YOU collectively!! So much fun!! I'm so glad that you enjoy my ramblings and my stampin's!! It wouldn't be much fun talking to myself!!

So to celebrate and to give back a little, I'm giving away a Sweet Little Treat!! Here's a pic of the goodies the lucky winner will get in the mail!! To get in on the draw, just leave a comment on this posting and tell me two interesting facts about YOU!! I want to get to know YOU!! I will leave this open until midnight EST on Sunday, March 25th!! You can only enter once!!! Bonne chance!!


Nancy said...

Congrats on the hits!

Two things about me:
1. I'm terrified of heights
2. I'm a terribly fussy eater!

Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

Wow, those are sweet little treats!

Ok, 2 things about me:

1. I hate talking on the phone! I avoid it if at all possible.

2. I have spring swap cards that are due VERY soon and they are not done! I made a beautiful batch of cards for the swap... used up most of my pkg of crate paper and some special embellishments I bought just for the swap only to realize that they are too big for the swap! So, back to square one. :-)

Pat said...

Congrats on the success of your blog!

1. I love to cook.
2. I am a Tastefully Simple Consultant who loves to stamp!


Anonymous said...

Hi there, congrats to all the visitors! Not that I'm surprised, you make wonderful things and it's nice to read too!

2 things about me...

1) I'm VERY new to stamping - made my first card yesterday! I have a burn-out depression - on Sunday it's 3 years since I hit the wall. Stamping and doing crafts is soooo soothing and good for the soul!

2) I'm absolutely TERRIFIED of spiders, but I think mice are cute...

Anonymous said...

Oh what wonderful treats.

Things about me....

This is tough because I always talk about my kids and I know everyone is sick of that.
1. I have been married for 29 years to Bruce and only Bruce.
2. I was named after my uncle Glenn. My name is Shelley Glenn Davis. A boy named sue?

Heidi said...

Your projects are so inspiring!
Two things about me:
1. I was a cheerleader for 6 years.
2. I LOVE the smell of the Stazon ink pads!
I know those are a little off the wall but they are two things about me!

Amy said...

I love your blog Kimmie!

1) I am on WW and have lost 16.8 pounds.

2) My husband and I first kissed each other at our wedding.

Thanks for sharing such great stuff!!

Scrappin Ashley said...

I love reading your blog!!!
1.) I go online everyday and I check the same sites in the same order!!!
2.) I pretend I can cook...and my husband falls for it!!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog! Nice blog candy!
1. In 2005 I celebrated my 50th class reunion and my two oldest daughters celebrated their 20th class reunion from Crown Point High School in Crown Point, Indiana. We graduated 30 years apart.
2. I didn't go to kindergarden, they didn't offer it in 1946 in Attica, Indiana.

Tracy said...

Hey....Congrats on the hits!
2 things about me!
1) I am 33 weeks pregnant (7.75 months) not to be precise or anything!!!
2) I love anchovies!
Tracy H

Allison Rankin said...

Two things about me:

1.) I am seriously considering going on the Atkins diet...but I love carbs so I am having serious anxiety about attempting it now.

2.) I can't seem to stamp my images today...I have blurred images, inky images, cut-off images...I don't want to even think about the CS I have wasted!

Pegg S said...

Congrats on 5K!
1- I LOVE to travel and have been to Europe, Asia and all over the US. I hope to go to South America soon!
2- I collect miniatures - of anything cute and fun - and display on a hanging old printers drawer. I like to collect little things from my travels to add to my collection!

Aimee said...

been enjoying your blog and da bellas

two things about me...
1. I'm a military wife with three kids who can't wait til her husband gets home from deployment sometime next month...
2. I love dogs and cats and have three of each.

Lisa and Penny said...

Yah, Kimmie!! OK...(1) I will only drink milk with ICE in it! (2) I am a shopaholic...I buy things I love, I buy things I don't need, I buy things I think I might need ONE day. And I hide it all from my husband! :) You don't think he will read this do you??? Lisa K

Stampin_Melissa said...

Congrats on the hits! What awesome blog candy!

Hmmmm, 2 things about me. . . . .

1) I am a military wife, and we were stationed in Germany for three years, (returned in June) and since we have returned I have become a real stamping shopaholic! It's like I couldn't get so much over there that I am making up for it now! Yikes!

2) We are finishning our basement (about 1.5 weeks to go) and I'll have my very own craft room! Yippie!! *giggling*

Yosha said...

Congratulations on all the visits! You have a lovely site!

Okay two things...

1. I hate shopping! Yes I have the right chromosone but I hate hate hate shopping!

2. I hate hights but I have no problem when in a cockpit!


Cindy said...

Two things about me...
first, I am addicted to blogs. I think I spend way more time looking then crafting.
Second, I am married with 2 children, a puppy and a 46 gallon aquarium.

Lynn Brown said...

Two things about me:
1. I am addicted to stamping & scrapping blogs.
2. I hate cooking!

Sue said...

Luv your blog....
2 things about me:

1. I have an addiction... I buy,buy crafting items...I dont know how to stop... I guess this is how an alcoholic feels.
2. I am adopted, I didnt find out till I was 34 I still dont know who my biological parents are...

Hope i win.... ps tomorrow is my birthday... hint, hint

Anonymous said...

WOW, over 5,000! Youso rock Kimmie! Congrats girl.

2 things about me...hmmm
1) I met my DH on line, we chatted for about a month before meeting but never spoke to eachother before then. We were married exactly a year and a half after out first meeting
2)I miss DH so much when he's gone (he's a seaman), but after 2 weeks of him home, I ready for him to leave again.... and he knows it too...hehehe

Darcy said...

hey girl! I want to know how you have SO MANY hits in such a short time???

Your blog is great!
I am going to let someone else when the beautiful treats!! I have so many already!!! hehehe

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win such nice "candy".
1) I am the oldest of 5 children
2) This yr. my husband & I will celebrate 43 yrs. of marriage.

Rochelle W said...

I love your blog. Thanks for the chance to win this cool blog candy. Here are two interesting facts about me.
1. I was adopted
2. I have a fear of Spontaneously combusting (seriously!) I am super hot all the time and my hubby calls me a little heater. Once I was going to get a couple sandwiches for us at Subway and I had some change in my pocket along with two rechargable batteries for my portable dvd player. As I was driving, my leg started to get hot and I couldn't figure it out. By the time I got to subway, I swear my leg was on fire it was so hot. I ran to the counter and threw my change and the batteries on the counter just to get them out of my pocket. The "sandwich artist" looked at me real weird and I screamed, "my leg is on fire". (Very uncomfortable moment) So, I got my sandwiches and drove home. When I got home I looked at my leg and I had a burn in my leg the size of a quarter. So that confirmed it and Spontaneously combusting is my greatest fear.

dawnmercedes said...

Ooooh, what awesome flowers.

1. It's nearly 3am right now and I am going to be so tired tomorrow.

2. I have been RAKing my stamping friends with gift sets. I just mailed them yesterday and I can not wait until they start receiving them in their mail boxes!

Leah said...

congratulations! :D
two things about me:
1) I am afraid of the dark
(I have a creative imagination - I think that's the problem)
2)I love camping!

Me said...

I am so excited for you 5000 is awsome!!
I shared your blog and talked about what an incredible creative girl you are!

2 things about me...

1. I love black Liqorice

2.I was born in whiterock B.C.

doverdi said...

Congrats on your hits!

Two things about me:

1. I love to read! But hate that I read too fast and can usually finish a book in 2 days even allowing myself time to stamp, watch tv, etc.

2. I am a fussy eater and hate having my foods touch each other on the plate.

Unknown said...

Wow, lots of hits, well done Kimmie

Um two things:

1. I hate confrontations and will try to avoid it at all costs

2. I hate ANTS, in a humungously big way, totally and irrevocably HATE ANTS

Melanie said...

I'm probably responsible for several thousand of those hits myself - i can't stay away.
Two things about me:
1. I love to cook, but hate to clean up.
2. As a child I was in a car accident and hit the dashboard with my face.

Wendy said...

Wow, congrats on your 5K hit! Wonderful blog candy!
Two things about me...
1) I have been deaf since birth
2) I'm left handed

Anonymous said...

Great candy! TFS! 2 things about me:
1.I saw my 3rd grandchild being born on Monday (and I am only in my mid-30s)
2.I used to be an au-pair.

loislane said...

Two facts about me...hmmmmmmmmm...let's see
1. I am a terrible procratinator
2. Scared to DEATH of spiders. Hate them.

Bonnie Weiss said...

Congrats on reaching your milestone!

1) I'm absolutely, positively,

2) I am passionate about animals,
particularly dogs. My life
would be painfully empty
without a dog to share it with

Jen said...

Kimmie, I just love your blog, I'm so glad that I can get the e-mail updates so I am on top of things...............

Two things that about My self
1. I have been my husbands care giver for over half of our marriage (he has cancer, but is in remission as we speak)

2. I have been told that I am a terrible procrastiner, and I suppose I never even realized it.......Thanks to the friend that brought it to my attention.

Have a great day.

Unknown said...

Wonderful group of candy! I'm not sure I can think of 2 interesting things, but . . .
1. I spend way too much time reading blogs, on SCS and feeding my addiction to stamping! :)
2. I will soon have 4 children ages 5 & under - YIKES!

Kristy said...

Two things about me (interestsing or not)

1. I'm probably the shortest person commenting on this blog entry (I'm 4'11)

2. I used to show cattle and pig in high school as part of FFA!ctvg

tyrymom29 said...

WOW congrats on all the hits !!!!
Two things about MOi!!
1.I live in a small town in Ontario Canada .(where SHANIA comes from)
2.I love being outdoors , Gardening ,fishing ,camping ,but I am PETRIFIED of spiders just the big crunchy ones ....lol and I HATE mosquitos .

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You've got a terrific blog. I just love those RAk cards you just posted. Just simply gorgeous!

two things about me?

1. I eat mars bars (one of my fav treats) by nibbling off the chocolate around the edges before I eat the middle.

2. My pet peeve is people who only scrape a teeny tiny hole of their windshield and head off to work. Drives me crazy cus I know two kids who were hit by a car looking like that. Come 'on people--scrape those windshields!

Thanks for sharing your candy.

Janet B

Anonymous said...

Great blog! Let's see two interesting things about me:
1. I am very very very scared of snakes but once had a boyfriend who had a boa constrictor in his apartment as a pet - eeeek.
2. I only have to go to a mall once to memorize where most all the stores are...mall mapping I call it.
Geny C.

Lisa C. said...

I love your blog.
Two things about me:
1. I am mom to 4 great kids, 3 of my own and one step-son. He is actually my husband's grandson but my husband is raising him as his son.

2. I use to work in the Magic Kingdom, I had the coolest job ever, I drove the huge steam train around the park. I loved blowing the whistles. :-)

Gina Wrona said...

Yeah, you reached your hit goal!

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 2 things, well

1. I'm scared to death of spiders & snakes. I always have to ask someone else to kill the spiders.

2. I always like to "work smarter and not harder" if I can find a way.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Kim. I'm not surprised. I love your blog... you are so talented. Two things...

1. My DH and I are presidents of the Ontario Provincial Association of our international camping organization... and I don't like camping. But, I do like people.

2. Although I like people, I am shy and have to push myself to go out. I don't like going to places by myself, which is why I was surprised when I kept going to your classes.

Anyhow, keep up the good work and have fun. God bless.

Linda D.

DeniseLynn said...

YEA ... a great reason to celebrate and wow - great prizes for a lucky someone. 2 things about me would be:
1. I'd rather send notes through the mail for almost all comunication than to talk on the phone or send an e-mail. It takes a little longer but it's much more fun.
2. I have a card ministry of sorts. I send cards all over the place - anytime I hear of someone (usually people I don't know) with sadness or trouble of any kind I find out their address (from the sourse telling me of their plight) and send them a hand made card. Since our baby arrived 11 months ago I've gotten off track but hope to get back in the swing of it all soon.

Anonymous said...

Two things about me:

1. I am mommy to 7 wonderful cats now that my children are all grown up and on their own.
2. I buy tons of craft products, have to have any new that is out there if at all possible and then hoard all my good stuff.

Anonymous said...

It was fun to read everyone's 2 facts. Here are mine:
1) I can wink my left eye, but not my right eye.
2) I love to Contra Dance, Waltz, and Swing Dance.

Mrs. Nancy G said...

Such Fun!
1) I am a new mommy again after 17 years.
2) I live in the arctic. (Thank God for the internet so I can keep up on blogs and paper crafting. Oh yeah, and to keep in touch with my family!)
~Nancy Grant

Alanna Harris said...

That's some mighty fine lookin' blog candy!! Here are 2 things about moi:

1. I am a pathological neat freak...everything has to be organized, preferably labelled and in it's proper place before I can function

2. I love trashy romance novels...totally mindless entertainment!!

SusanH said...

Way to go on the great blog!

2 things would have to be:

1. I once won second place in a shag contest and got $50.00 even though I don't know how to shag!
2. I have a "thing" for sports cars.

Jan Scholl said...

Two things about me

1: I eat nothing that would have ever had eyeballs.

2: I am addicted to the Weather Channel.

bethtrue said...

Hi Kimmie - what a fun give-away.

2 things about me:

1. I need to go on a diet :-(

2. I'm a huge Dave Matthews Band fan

-Beth (mommy to a busy 3 1/2 year old)

Scott Franson Photography said...

LOL, great question. I have webbed toes and I only wear my sox inside out. Wonderful blog, I'll be back often.
Claudia F.

Anonymous said...

1. I am a cake decorator IRL
2. I hate mice, as a matter of fact, my kitty caught one last night, and at 4 in the AM I was sleeping on my dining room table. lol.

Anonymous said...

I am a mom of two very fun children and I work full-time outside the home as well as sell Stampin' Up and Pampered Chef.

Adelina said...

congratulations on the hits!

1. I'm a new mom.
2. I have a full time job and a great career.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 5000!!! great blog candy offer!
two thing about me . . .
I just started stamping in January to quit smoking and it worked! & I have become addicted to blog ready also. lol
good luck to all!

Unknown said...

How fun!
1)It takes me a whole evening to make one card. :(
2)I grew up in Brazil.

Anonymous said...

I have 11 siblings who receive my cards and I just got to use my senior discount for the first time ever and I used it on the go cart rides!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog!!

It is your fault I am hooked on blogs yours was the second one I ever read and the rest is history.

I am a huge procrastinator.

Cheryl KVD said...

Two things about me...I'm an engineer, and I don't have an appendix or tonsils! Cheryl Kelly-Van Domelen

Unknown said...

Let's see....
1. I homeschool my two kiddos, 3rd and 5th grade.

2. I am a photographer

Michelle W. said...

OK, 2 little known things about me:

1. I was a goth girl in high school (If you knew me that would be shocking).
2. Every night I spend about 30 minutes in the tub reading!

Anonymous said...

Wow, 5000 hits. Congrats! That's a lot! I love your tin that you created for Cindy's VSN challenge. I made my way to you via her.

2 things about me:

1. I love to bake cakes
2. I am a teacher.

Have a great day.

Jackie said...

Great blog!

2 things about me -

1. I color my own hair
2. I don't like nuts - not allergic, just don't like them. Except peanuts, cashews and pistachios. The others - yuk. Don't like coconut either.

Rosella said...

Wow! Congratulations! Great Treat you are sharing with us!
Two things about me:
1) I spend too much time getting inspired by everyone elses creations, and don't have enough time making my own. (ie. checking out everybodie's blogs regularly)
2) I used to have a mouse colection.

Anonymous said...

1. I have bunions.

2. I hate water sports.

MarieK said...

Hi Kim!

I saw your comment on my blog so I popped over to check out yours and you've got BLOG CANDY too!

Ok 2 things about me:
1. I've swapped with you before.
2. I'm looking forward to going to my VERY FIRST SU! event - Regionals in Vancouver at the end of April.

Trina said...

My Turn, My Turn

1. The gal who said that she is probably the shorted person who comments on this blog is totally wrong - I am only 4' 10" ha,ha!!

2. I love to bake, but then I want to eat it all, and since I just lost 80lbs - I cannot bake anything - no self control!!!

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