
Ghouls Night Out!!

Well, it's October 31st again and time for all the little monsters to come out and play!! Actually last night there were a bunch of ghouls and goblins at the library!!!

As you saw me mention yesterday, we had an evening with some sassy female Canadian authors and we called it Ghouls Night Out! If you're a reader of romance and mystery with a paranormal twist, you've probably read their books, Kelley Armstrong, Michelle Rowen and Eve Silver. I was so thrilled when they agreed to all come together to our little shindig!! This was my first attempt at organizing such an event and I was a TAD nervous! I spent the whole day running around, picking up food, drinks, decorations etc., then decorating and arranging the meeting room, which looked fabulous, I must say. Well, it looked decent for a 35 year old room in the dungeon of the library that has never been renovated......I'll hope that it added to the ambience of the evening!!

For the main part of the decorations, a TON of pumpkins were donated and I coerced some of my coworkers to take them home and carve them for use at our par-tay! One of the girls carved each of the authors' names in their own pumpkin and they looked awesome!! I think the authors like them because they took them home with them!! A bunch of us girls dressed up in costume...I mean, how often do grown women get to don a spooky (and sexy) outfit and become someone else?? Really. Sometimes you just gotta loosen up!

We had a fabulous turnout and the authors were amazing. Each of them read excerpts from their book, all in the paranormal vein, which was very cool. Then they all took questions from the guests and everyone seemed to really enjoy that. I was afraid that people would be too inhibited to speak up but once they got going, they seemed to have more and more questions and things that they wanted to know! And the authors were really great sports and were a lot of fun. They each are so different in their writing styles and in their personalities, but they all were such a hoot and seemed to get into the discussions as much as the guests!

Afterwards, the local bookstore was there and the authors all sat together at a table and sold and signed copies of their books. I got a few myself and got each of them autographed....I feel like such a dork! But it's not often that I get to meet some of my favourite authors in the flesh....and you KNOW what a bookfreak I am! Michelle actually put something in my book that COULD be rather suggestive....she said 'Thanks for a great night, Kim!' Personally, I think she may have a thing for me.....baaaaaaaahahhaaaaaaa!! (I told you I would do it, Michelle!!) We had a good laugh about it!

I also discovered that Eve Silver is a scrapbooker too!!! How funny is that?? So, then I didn't feel like so much of a nerd when I asked them each to sign one of the Ghouls Night Out posters and then I scooped up their bookmarks and business cards for a scrapbook page I will be doing in the future!!! Eve even gave me a signed cover from her newest book which isn't even out yet!!

SO a fun evening was had by all, but I'm pooped this morning! I'd better perk up though because I'm heading out in a bit to meet my Mom and her friend Connie in Petrolia. We're having a nice lunch together and of course, we will be stopping in at The Town Scrapper for some stamp shoppin'!!! I'll be back later to post a card for you all!!!

Happy Halloween!!!


Kelly Schelske said...

You look great Kim!! Sounds like a great night!! Happy Halloween!! Hugs, Kelly

Shannan Teubner said...

Look at what a hottie you are!! :)

Linanna DESIGNS said...

How fab do you look in that costume Kim?!! u look great girl! enjoy your night. Hugs Linda x

Michelle Rowen said...

Yes, thanks for a great night, Kim! Although, sorry, but you're not really my type. ;-) Maybe you have a brother? LOL

It was a lot of fun and the pumpkins were fabulous. That is not a phrase I get to use everyday.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,

Thanks for a wonderful evening. It was tons of fun! And the pumpkins were a great touch :)

Michelle said...

Whoa, Kimmy!!!! Check you out, you sassy little thing!! I've never seen a sexier witch :) Thanks so much for sharing pics ~ sounds like you all had a fabulous time!!

Ila said...

Oh My!! you look Gorgeous!! and sooo sexy!! Looks and sounds like you all had a great time!! Thanks for sharing!!

Christina Fischer said...

Look at you, you hot little witch!! lol

What a great night it must have been! I'm sure everyone had a fabulous time!

Niki Estes said...

Looks like you had lots of fun, Kimmie, and you look fabulous in your costume!

Anonymous said...

OMG, Kelley Armstrong was there, I am such a fan and have recommended her books to so many. Count me in for the next girls/ghouls night Kim. And you looked great!

Becca said...

Kimmie: you look so cute as a witchy poo....love the costume and glad you had a great time. I can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday than to go shopping and at Phebe's store...all the better.

Happy Sunday.

retiredheather said...

Sounds like it turned into one fantastic night. Congrats on all your work. Great photo of you.

MizMerryMac said...

You looked really sassy in your witch costume and did a wonderful job on the Event!

My friend Kay and I had a great time and it really put me in the Halloween mood!

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