I've Got a Seeeeeecret!!

Okay, so who wants to know a secret?? I know, you ALL do!!! Well, I ain't spillin' the beans just yet!!! But read on!!

So you may have noticed that I haven't been posting as often lately....(I know some of you have noticed because I've heard about it!!!). My daily blurbs and musings have fallen down to twice a week or so. Well, it's not because I don't love ya....and it's not because I'm too busy to be creative! In fact, quite the opposite! I just haven't been able to share it with anyone yet!

I've been workin' on something super secret and SUPER exciting!!! Does anyone want to take a guess???? (And if you've already been diggin' around and know what my secret is, because you're a super sleuth.....don't spill the beans and ruin the surprise for everyone else!!)

Leave me a comment with your guess and I may have a couple of super sweet prizes for some random winners!! I'll be back on Friday sometime with the big news!!


Wendalyn said...

I am hoping your surprise is your own Rubber stamps... :-)

Angela said...

I am hoping your surprise will bring us all some more enjoyment in our lives....it must be an "enabling" secret right?? LOL I can't wait for the BIG reveal!!

Jenn said...

oh I don't know, but I can't wait to find out!

Maybe your own magazine, store???? :)

Tammy said...

Oh my.....hmmm....My guess is that you are working with a company doing illustration work. Is that right? Or are you opening your own store? I can't wait to hear the news!!

Mandy Schneider 97 said...

I think it's your own rubber stamp line and/or your in business with Crissy and some of the other gals from High Hopes..since half of you stepped down from your spots.....
My guess hehe...either way I can't wait to hear!!! thank you for your fantastic artwork and great blog personality :)

Nicole Bailey said...

I dug around and found out.....:o)

Jennifer Love said...

I know!! But I'm not spilling any secrets! Yaaaaaaaay! :D

~* Jay Jay *~ said...

Ohh I hope we "already knowers" can also take part =) It's so excited!

Janine said...

I have no real idea but I suspect it might be more design work either with new stamps or with card kits on a bigger scale.

pinky said...

Its got to be new images, you know we need them and new talent is always so well appreciated!!!

Anonymous said...

Your own rubber stamping company or store?? Friday can't come soon enough. I am looking forward to the big reveal!!! It's exciting news, whatever it may be.

Rachel A.

Steph said...

At first I thought it might be the pitter, patter of tiny feet.....but then I thought maybe you joined a new DT. But now I'm thinking your own rubber stamps?

Jolanda said...

ooh, you ar making me all curious here, LOL
It must be something fun!!
Maybe an online store, hmmmm i have no idea.

Bye, jolanda

Cheryl said...

Hi Kimmie! My guess is that you are illustrating your own rubber stamps!
Whatever, it is I can't wait to see what you've been creating!

Welcome! said...

I have a few hunches but know what ever it is will be fantastic if its coming from you!!!

Maria said...

I really have no idea as you are so talented that it could be your own stamp line, illustration work, more design work or even setting up your own craft business or more regular classes maybe from your own home. Hugs, Maria

Pat said...

I am guessing that you are now designing your own line of rubber stamps or have been hired by another big name stamp designer.

Sandy said...

I am thinking that you and Chrissy are in kahoots at stringing us along on the same secret! Whatever it is...just spill it because the suspense is killing me.

Probably your own line of stamps and maybe your own blog store to promote them???

Oh, just spill it!

Anonymous said...

I think I know too, but I don't want to spoil it. But I would like to say congrats, and if I am right I know it's gonna be awesome!!!!

Margaret de Witt said...

My guess is that you are beginning your own exclusive rubber stamp line designed by you.

Ana said...

Hmmmm, or maybe you started up your own stamp line...I hope that's it cause you're great!

Jeanette said...

Hi Kimmie,
Well I do know and you know that I know so I won't say but do I get a chance at the prize because I have not ruined your amazing surprise? I haven't told a soul! Hugs Jeanette

Stephanie Zito said...

Interesting....! New DT team position? Your own store or stamp company? I can't wait to find out!

Renee G said...

Not real sure but I'm guessing your teaming up with Chrissy to bring us something fabulous!

Anonymous said...

I, for one, have missed your daily blogs & creations - but it didn't suspect behind the scene schemings! LOL Since I don't have my super sleuth gear... And I don't enjoy waiting for surprises -I'm busting to hear your big news! I'm going to guess that you have joined a DT and will have lots of fun candy for us! : )
Donna M.

kat9 said...

Are you coming out with your own stamp designs?

Hope so.


Ellen said...

I know...haven't told anyone your secret! Can't wait!

Lesa said...

Hee heee I know, I know. Pick me! She says as she raises her hand and wiggles in her seat with her arm propped up! Giggle

Alex. said...

Hi Kimmie!
I can`t wait so long, please tell us your secret. ;-) I`m so nervous.

Nicola said...

Are you planning to open your own store?


Tara Godfrey said...

Well, I am in the know but won't spoil the big surprise...except to say that it is super duper exciting and that I am super psyched about it!

daisy said...

wauw this is so exciting, maby you'r own stamps or paper?!


MichelleO said...

Ok, I have been out of the world lately.. and am trying to catch up.. now I MUST spend the rest of the day snooping around to see if I can find out! I just hate secrets... LOL!

I hope it is your own stamp line!

Melanie said...

Hi Kimmie,

I've missed your daily blogging! My guess would be your own stamp line. If so, wishing you luck with it!


freaky said...

I guess you create your own stamps and open a shop?!

Hugs, Nicole

Ida said...

Gotta go with the majority here and say it's Your own stamp line (I too thought of the baby angle).

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog, I guess you are working with a company doing illustration work perhaps? You work is fab. Best wishes for whatever it is! Lily

Lynnes old blog said...

I reckon you've been designing some papers or maybe some stamps?

Teri said...

Just a guess but I'm thinking something to do with the card kits you've been doing for a while.

Congrats, whatever it is :)

Linda Deline said...

I'd say a baby too but I remember the look I got last time I guessed that. So, Are you planning a retreat weekend?? new stamp designer?? new stamp line?? Why are you doing this to us??????

Well, anyways, God bless. Linda.

Diamond Doll said...

Hi Kimmie, well it,s got to be something crafty!!!! so maybe your own rubber stamps, a new craft store or maybe a designer???
Whatever it is i wish you Goodluck.
Trish (-:

Unknown said...

I found it! Congrats Kimmie! Have fun and good luck!!!

Lisa said...

Is it your own store?? Your own rubber stamps?? Teaching classes from home...so excited as I live in London!! So excited to find out your secret. Can't wait!!

Aimee said...

your own line of stamps....

Krista said...

Oh I like secrets and surprises!
Can't wait !!
Love your blog - you are an artist :)

Diane said...

I'm guessing you will be opening your own stamp store!!!

Tracey said...

Seems like most people think you will be starting your own line of stamps. I am going to go with that one since I hope that is the case!! I am envious of those who found out though. I have no idea where to start looking! Can't wait to hear!!

Janet said...

I love your blog. You do great work!

Denimo said...

Is it a secret that will take lots more of my money??? That'd be great! Or you've been chosen to be a DT member for your mostest favorite stamping blog. Whatever it is, best of luck!!!

Sunshine said...

Oh I hope, I hope, I hope you are starting your own line of rubber stamps with some of the other HH gals that you used to work with!

Cathy said...

Hmmm!! Maybe your own stamp line or a store or maybe illustrating for someone??? I don't know but I'm dying to find out!! Hugs, Cathy

Cathy said...

Well, I am guessing your own line of rubber stamps. You are so talented and a fabulous artist. I am going away for the weekend and now I will have to wait until Sunday night when I come back to see what the secret is. Bummer having to wait that long to find out.

Monika said...

my guess is that you are working with some new company...
can't wait to hear the news..

Janneke said...

I know your secret Kimmie, but I love to win some candy!

Good luck with your secret :D

Janneke X

Sarah said...

Hm.. I dunno! But I hope it means something wonderful for us stampers!! That would be awesome! Whatever it is, congrats and I'm sure you'll be wonderful at whatever it is!

Teri said...

It's late afternoon your time and I'm pouting because I want to know NOW ;) I can't wait to hear your fabulous news and the new adventure you'll be going on.

Czech out the Family! said...

I think you are coming out w/your very own rubber stamp? :) Can't wait to hear the news!

Unknown said...

organizing a stamping cruise! Wouldn't that be fun?

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