So you've met our amazing illustrators.....and you've met our fantastically talented Krafty Girls!! I bet you'd like to know when you can get your inky little fingers on these babies.....yes??? Well, the official release date is Monday, October the 5th.....just over a week away!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeek!! Can you believe it?? And we will start previewing the designs on the Friday before and every day leading up to release time!!! Woohoooooooo! Now we may also share some snippets of images too between now and keep your eyes peeled!!!
If you are local to southwestern Ontario, you may want to mark Sunday, October 4th off on your calendar and make plans to join me at Scrappin' Great Deals !!! The totally generous owner of SGD, Sheila, is throwing me a LAUNCH PARTY!! Can you believe that??? All afternoon you'll be able to come in to the store and celebrate with us!!!
And my Krafty Girls are SO fabulous, that all the local chickies (and some NOT so local) will BE THERE to stamp with!!!! The DT gals that will be on hand to yak with, shop with and stamp with are Andrea, Diana, Tara and Vicki!! And not only THAT.....but one of Kraftin' Kimmie's super amazing artists will be coming HOURS to hang out with us! CRISSY is gong to be on hand to do a colouring demo and show us her skillz!!! Besides all that amazing-ness, we'll have snacks and refreshments, free make and takes.....OH and of course....NEW RUBBER!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaahhh! I can't stand it!!! (Oh and I'll be there too.)
So I hope you can make it out to help me celebrate my new adventure in stamping!!

I will be there with bells on!!!! I can't wait to see what you have for us!!! It can't get here soon enough!! Glad to see your dream coming true hun!! You deserve it!!!
I only wish I could be there! It sounds like so much fun!
OmGosh Kimmie! I'm so jealous!!! my first thought was I wonder how much a plane ride is..I so want to be there!!! O gals that can go, you are so LUCKY!!!! I can't wait for the release date..I need to sell my crap on ebay so I'll have money ready On the 5th hahaha...
I can't wait to see the new images. Won't be too long now!!
I wish I could join you for the launch party! :( So sad that I actually am close enough to come but that is Run for the Cure so I can't make it. :( It would have been a blast to come check out the new stamps and meet everyone!!
Congrats, congrats, congrats!!!!!
I'm so excited for you. I wish I lived closer and not all the way down here in Texas. Sounds like a lot of fun is to be had. Still I will be keeping my eyes here for all the gossip and pics.
I'm SO excited!!! Can't wait!! Way to go Kimmie!
Can't wait to see!
Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm so excited!
Can't wait to see your stamps!! To bad Ontario is so far away. :( Sounds like you launch party will be a blast!
well I am sooo bummed because I would totally come but I don't have a stinkin passport- ugh!
!!!Holly Smokes Kimmie!!! I'm just doing some much-needed catching-up on my FAV Blogs ... I've been MIA for many weeks.
I almost fell over when I read the NEWS !!! Ohhh Babyyyy! I can't wait, can't wait :)
When I saw the images (love the gals in their funkey dresses) my trigger finger to Buy went nuts ! LOL Then of course, I saw that they weren't going to be available 'til Monday; Can't Wait!
Hope you had a wonderful party and saved some of that new rubber smell for me =)
.¤ª"˜¨¯¯¨˜"ª¤.CONGRATs KIMMI.¤ª"˜¨¯¯¨˜"ª¤.
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