
I Only Have Eye for You!

Happy Saturday everyone!! It's a rather rainy and dreary one here, but it's Saturday nonetheless!! This is going to be a quickie....post, that is....get your mind s outta the gutter....sheesh!!!! hehe I'm on my way to work at SGD today and teach the Bella Card Class!!! Yaaaaaaaay....how fun!

Today I'm going to show you some more cards that I made for the My Favorite Things release party this week. These ones were made using the new Monsters Ink stamp set which is perfect for making boyish cards. Of course, you can girlie up the monsters to make some feminine ones too!

I love these crazy creatures and this font is my absolute favourite! Plus the sentiments are just a hoot!! Both cards were made using Cogsmo dp by Cosmo Cricket...the perfect colours.

Well, I gotta run! Have a wonderful weekend!

OH and a little headline here: Scrappin' Great Deals has a coupon in the London Pennysaver this weekend for 25% off one item in the store....so clip those coupons and come on in and see me!!!


Tracey said...

These are both fantastic cards Kimmie! Love those monsters!! Have fun with your class today!! xx

Riet said...

woww Kimmie,what a beautiful cards.

have a nice weekend.
hugs Riet.x

Patti J said...

OMG, what cute stamps! Your cards are delightful, and brought a smile to my day! Good luck with today's class (wish I could come!) - Happy Saturday!

Amy Leggate- Paper Romance said...

See you today Kimmie!

CraftyC said...

Fab cards Kimmie, have a lovely weekend!

Mich said...

The latest time I'm really in to all those "strange creatures" so I really adore these cards !!

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